Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Immigration Reform / DREAM Act?????

This is a copy not mine: The President gave a major immigration speech in Texas - and he wants a comprehensive reform bill from Congress. The excuses of those opposed have run out - border security, deportations and worksite enforcement are all up. It's time for everyone to come to the table and send the President a real immigration reform bill that addresses the economic and human costs of immigration. Tell Congress to make it happen.

Obama in El Paso
The time for reform is now
Almost 15,000 of you told the President that change takes courage.
Yesterday he renewed his push for comprehensive immigration reform painting a picture of a nation built on a rich heritage of immigration; a nation in which you can come to America and write the next chapter of our history.

Today, we’re a nation where DREAM students are being deported, families are separated, and enforcement is at all-time high. The President has given the other side the space to come to the table and they haven’t shown up.

Now is the time for Congress to give us a permanent solution. Congress needs to address the economic and human costs of the millions of people living in the shadows of society and the broken immigration system that has broken up countless families and communities.

Tell Congress the time for excuses is up – it’s time to act on immigration reform.

The President is right – we each have the opportunity to write the next chapter of our history and that opportunity is now.

Marissa Graciosa
Reform Immigration FOR America

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Obama speaks today in El Paso

I haven't had a chance to watch his speech, but since most of us are affected I have posted the link here.